If we consider that humans have been using extracted plant materials for thousands of years and that plants produce these essential oils as a natural biological function to protect, nurture, and support themselves. It makes sense that humans have discovered that various plant species have natural benefits, and we have discovered a way to extract these oils via extraction methods for our own use.
Essential oils have enormous potential to be of benefit to the human body. Each plant variety has different properties and benefits that humanity can utilize to their advantage.
Each essential oil is made up of thousands of chemical constituents that have scientifically proven benefits to affect the human body systems. As humans learned to extract this essence of plants and use essential oils, we have been able to experience and use these chemical constituents for ourselves. We have developed alternative and complementary therapies that use essential oils and other aromatic plant compounds to our advantage. This is the foundation of modern Aromatherapy practice.
The NAHA (National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy) defines Aromatherapy as “the therapeutic application and use of aromatic substances and essential oils for holistic healing.”
As Aromatherapy is a complementary therapy, it does not provide a cure for diseases, conditions or illnesses; but is used to support the body and harness the benefits of essential oils to help improve, support, and nurture the human condition.
Digestive System - Helps with bad breath; settles stomach; reduces colic; eases constipation; calms stomach ulcer; reduces flatulence; calms indigestion; promotes appetite; eases liver congestion
Cardiovascular System - Increases circulation; stimulates blood; cleanses blood; lowers high blood pressure; increases low blood pressure; warms the limbs
Lymphatic System - Reduces edema; stimulates lymphatic flow; increases circulation; reduces cellulite; cleanses toxic metabolism
Nervous System - Balances and regulates nervous disorders; sedative; used to calm nervous disorders such as anxiety and depression; combat nervous fatigue
Musculoskeletal System - Reduction pain; reduces inflammation; reduces stiffness; increased circulation to muscles; produces warmth
Integumentary System (Skin) - Reduces imbalances in skin; helps hydration and dryness; antibacterial for skin problem; healing scar tissues; reduces inflammation; combats redness; deodorizes skin
Respiratory System - Antiseptic properties for lungs, nose, and throat; reduction of mucous; antispasmodic for coughs; fights bacterial or viral load; stimulates the immune systems
Reproductive System - Helps with menstrual pain; strengthens and protects genital areas; cleanses; helps to regulate hormones; good for stimulating desire; helps with fertility; balances moods; helps with impotence
Endocrine System - Hormone stimulating; calms adrenal glands; stimulate pituitary increase; regulates hormonal secretions; estrogenic